A Tribute to Steve Smith
(Mar 11, 1962—Mar 13, 2019)
(Mar 11, 1962—Mar 13, 2019)
From his friends in
• the 24:14 Coalition, and
• the No Place Left network.

Through his tireless leadership, training and writing, Steve inspired unprecedented progress through the No Place Left network and 24:14 Coalition toward multiplying Kingdom movements among all people groups:
- T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution: The Story Behind the World’s Fastest Growing Church Planting Movement and How it Can Happen in Your Community!
- Hastening (No Place Left)
- Rebirth (No Place Left)
- Spirit Walk: The Extraordinary Power of Acts for Ordinary People
- A regular column and many other articles in Mission Frontiers
In late 2017, kidney problems led to a diagnosis of cancer. God answered many prayer and extended Steve’s life and ministry well beyond the original prognosis. When Steve had completed his assignment, God took him home, leaving us to run the remainder of the final lap.
Steve wrote in his Mission Frontiers article Death: the Spiritual Triggering Effect:
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone;
but if it dies, it bears much fruit. — John 12:24, ESV, emphasis addedJesus was describing His upcoming death which would make way for the fruit of salvation among the nations. He chose not to shy away from the cross despite the immense cost.
Throughout his illness, Steve requested prayer for whatever outcome would most glorify God.
In an email after Steve’s passing, his widow Laura shared this one article from Steve regarding the truths that sustained his ministry.
May God use Steve’s death to stir us to greater fruitfulness.
What It Took
(from a friend in the No Place Left network)
What would it take for the whole world to hear?
What would it take for every nation to draw near?
What if God’s people would finish the task?
What if this generation was truly the last?
It might take a precedent to be set,
It might take a unity we haven’t seen yet.
What if we all died to any other Walk?
What if 24:14 was all that we sought?
Who ought we be, to hasten Christ’s return?
If we have God’s Spirit should we not inwardly burn?
Until the nations come home,
And every tribe comes to know,
The God of the Cross,
Christ’s heavenly flow!
What if No Place Left wasn’t a dream?
Not man’s agenda, but a divine guarantee!
What if Steve saw a promise?
A job waiting to be done!
What if we saw it also?
How ought we to run?!
Steve’s cry was so clear
Who ought we to be?
To all who would hear,
“Will you run with me?!”
I know a man, who carried the baton,
We all know his vision and must carry it on!
The pace is set, it’s 2025.
The herald is dead, but His God is ALIVE!
Steve started a movement but not for his glory,
The Hastening saga was always God’s story!
Now we’ve watched the wheat fall into the earth,
By God’s Holy promise we will see Rebirth!
To those within ear, you are the fruit,
The vision was seed, and Christ is the Root.
This promise is true, to all who would die.
Lose your life, give it all, and multiply.
A mighty wind has blown, let the army take sail.
Our King is victorious, and His people prevail!
But you saw what it took,
From Jesus till today.
Every tool of God,
Must give their life away.
So finally, the question:
Who will you be?
Until the Glory of the Lord covers the earth,
As water covers the sea.
Mission Frontiers articles by Steve:
- Training for Trainers Process
(Jan/Feb 2011) - Qualified to Lead (in the Bible)
(Mar/Apr 2011) - Someone Has to be First
(Mar/Apr 2011) - The Ina People Catch the Vision
(Jan/Feb 2012) - Getting Kingdom/Church Right
(Jul/Aug 2012) - Helping Groups Become Churches
(Sep/Oct 2012) - The Journey Ahead
(Mar/Apr 2013) - Counter-intuitive Ways of Growing
(May/Jun 2013) - CPM Essentials on a Napkin
(Jul/Aug 2013) - Finding God-Prepared People
(Sep/Oct 2013) - Minutes and Hours
(Nov/Dec 2013) - Riverbanks of a Movement
(Jan/Feb 2014) - The Engine that Sustains Movements
(Mar/Apr 2014) - Profile of a Movement Catalyst
(May/Jun 2014) - Prayer Life of a Movement Catalyst
(Jul/Aug 2014) - Momentum Through the Hurdles
(Sep/Oct 2014) - Strategic Time Investment
(Nov/Dec 2014) - Only God Can Start a CPM (Part 1)
(Jan/Feb 2015) - Only God Can Start a CPM (Part 2)
(May/Jun 2015) - Biblical Exegesis of CPMs
(Jul/Aug 2015) - Living atop the Mountain
(Sep/Oct 2015) - Four Stages of a Movement
(Nov/Dec 2015) - Three Foundations of Movements
(Jan/Feb 2016) - The Freewill Offerings Generation
(Mar/Apr 2016) - Hastening “No Place Left” Locally
(Mar/Apr 2016) - No Place Left as the Benchmark
(May/Jun 2016) - Our Role in Hastening “No Place Left”
(May/Jun 2016) - Biblical Content for a Movement
(Jul/Aug 2016) - Four Stages to “No Place Left” in Our Generation
(Sep/Oct 2016) - Vision for a Refugee Kingdom Movement
(Nov/Dec 2016) - The Intangibles of Urgency and Grit
(Jan/Feb 2017) - Perspective of an Apostolic Worker
(Mar/Apr 2017) - Essential Role of Vision-Casting
(May/Jun 2017) - Please Stop “Training”
(Jul/Aug 2017) - The Beginning of the End?
(Sep/Oct 2017) - The Storyline of History
(Nov/Dec 2017) - 24:14, The War that Finally Ends
(Jan/Feb 2018) - Truths that Sustain Faith-Filled Ministry
(Mar/Apr 2018) - 24:14 Coalition Video Update by Steve
(May/Jun 2018) - 24:14 Coalition Update
(May/Jun 2018) - 652 Movements
(May/Jun 2018) - Death: the Spiritual Triggering Effect
(Jul/Aug 2018) - 24:14 Goal
(Sep/Oct 2018) - The Oikos Hammer—You & Your Household
(Sep/Oct 2018) - Pushing Through Generational Hurdles
(Nov/Dec 2018) - Solutions to Generational Hurdles
(Jan/Feb 2019) - Getting Kingdom/Church Right
(Mar/Apr 2019) - The Reality of Weeds
(Mar/Apr 2019)
the No Place Left saga
presents Steve’s inspiring, life-long vision
in an action-packed story of God’s ultimate triumph
In tribute to Steve’s great longing to hasten Jesus’ return, Steve’s family and friend want to:
- offer you this FREE copy of Hastening, and
- invite you to help multiply Steve’s vision by offering this book free to YOUR contacts.
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